Honeycomb is proud to announce New Sun Rising as its first annual Small Business Saturday Nonprofit Giving Partner!
With Small Business Saturday coming around the corner, we here at Honeycomb are working to encourage our neighbors to support local businesses with direct investments. That said, we can’t talk about supporting local businesses without acknowledging the work of countless nonprofits striving to make entrepreneurship more accessible in our communities.
That’s why we are committing to donate an amount equal to 1% of the funds invested on Honeycomb during Small Business Saturday to New Sun Rising. New Sun Rising, a Pittsburgh-based nonprofit organization, serves as an educator, resource provider, connector, and activator of neighborhood-scale innovation. New Sun Rising supports hundreds of community projects and businesses in the region as a fiscal sponsor, technical assistance provider, and strategic partner to unlock the potential of underinvested communities through grassroots innovation.
During the COVID crisis, New Sun Rising’s work has become more critical than ever. New Sun Rising’s Crisis Mitigation Relief Fund provides microgrants and support to sustain underserved small businesses. At the same time, New Sun Rising is providing fiscal sponsorship and technical assistance to critical new initiatives responding to community needs. Our shared vision of building vibrant communities through grassroots entrepreneurship makes us proud to have New Sun Rising as the inaugural Small Business Saturday Giving Partner.
To participate, simply visit honeycombcredit.com and find the right investment opportunity for you. Honeycomb will then aggregate the total amount of investment on Small Business Saturday and donate an amount equal to 1% of the total funds to New Sun Rising.
Learn more about creating a free Honeycomb investments account just in time for Small Business Saturday here.
Learn more about New Sun Rising’s mission to build vibrant communities by supporting grassroots innovation here.