What is a qualified business?
The business must have:
At least 500 followers on one social media platform
Clearly communicates capital need and use of funds for a project exceeding $25,000
Independently-owned businesses in an approved industry (Restaurants, Coffee, Bakeries, Food trucks, Breweries, Distilleries, Craft Beverage, Consumer Packaged Goods, Farms, Pop-ups, Food and beverage, Retail - with a brick-and-mortar). See below for industries that are NOT approved.

Non-Qualified Industries
Firearms/Shooting Ranges
Political Campaigns
Ecommerce Resellers
Multi-Level Marketing
Non-FDA Approved Supplements, Vitamins, etc.
House Flipping
Real Estate Agencies
Adult Entertainment (including burlesque, etc.)
Staffing Services
Banking and Financial Services
Marketing Agencies, Consulting Firms
Business Owners
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